Here to help you find the Cashflow Solution for your business that is cheapest and best.

What can C.S.Financial can do for you?

Find out how much instant cash you can get from the money owed to you through your debtors

We find the best deal for you and save you time and money

We use our negotiating position to get a better rate than you could going direct to the funders

We don’t charge you fees

We treat all enquires as strictly confidential

To find out how we can help either phone 07850 936 045 or contact us

Why more and more businesses are using Invoice Finance …

You can get immediate access to up to 95% of the funds due to you from your sales ledger

You can remove the worry of your cash-flow needs allowing you to deal with the business

It is all very quick to arrange and we can tailor a solution to your exact needs